Monday, December 8, 2008

Week 6

I enjoyed the first half of this weeks assignments. The most useful thing I learned this week and probably all semester is the Google game. Yes I am one of those digital aliens that google what I want and then look through the 1.5 million hits for what I can use. But no more Yeah! I also googled myself and found that there are a lot of people with my same name. I didn't think there would be so many as Janice is not one of the most common names especially for people under 50. I did google people I knew and was amazed what came up. This really reinforced the need for educators to be aware of their actions and words on the web.

The APA paper is really frustrating for me. I can not get the page numbers to work and I am very confused on much of it. It will probably be the last assignment I turn in. I can only take so much frustration right now. I feel like Scrooge McGrinch right now. I am excited to be done with this class and celebrate Christmas.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I guess I missed a week 4&5

The last two weeks have been very busy. I am still working on the PowerPoint and have no idea where to start on the WIKI. I really wish this class met. I don't feel as though I am getting as much out of it as I could. I am constantly frustrated and feel as though I am teaching myself a new language. The articles and posts are fine and interesting but the actual projects that I have no background in are killing me. On top of that I am studying for the ORELA, prepared for Thanksgiving and nursed the family through the flu which they kindly shared with me. I will be glad when I can get caught up.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Week 3 and podcast script

I was a little confused on what week we were but here are my thoughts on the podcast and cyberbulling. We should definitely had a physical class for the podcast project. It seemed like there was an assumption that we had background knowledge on who to use this technology. With out the help of my classmates I doubt I would have been able to finish this assignment and hoped I had enough points with out it. I can definately see the advantages to using podcasts in the classroom and will have to play around with the program when I have time.

The reading on cyber bullying was sobering. I will definately have to consider more how I will deal with this issue. I am not sure how big a role cyberbullying will play in the classroom I hope to teach in but I will still feel a responsibility to educate my students on being a responsible technology user.

The question of why I want to be a teacher is actually really hard for me to answer. I have always wanted to be a teacher but the reasons have changed through out the years. When I was 8 and invited the neighbor kids over to play school I was always the teacher, my mom said that this was because I liked to tell people what to do...that was probably true. I always thought teachers had the coolest job, they got to read interesting books, teach kids cool art projects and have summers and holidays off to spend with their families.

When I was in high school I was an assistant at outdoors school for the special needs kids, I wanted to be a teacher then because I loved the outdoors helping others and sharing the cool things I had learned. I loved being around and meeting new people.

In college I wanted to be a teacher simply because it was want I had always wanted to do nothing else seemed to interest me. I was an environmental education major but after they terminated that program and the education program severally limited their spots I graduated with a Sociology degree, I got married and started my family. Since then everything I have done has centered on children and teaching in some form. From owning my own daycare and preschool to being a Girl Scout and Boy Scout leader, teaching Sunday school and Vacation Bible School. I love being around children they are so enthusiastic and eager to learn and investigate the world around them. There is nothing to compare with the look on a child's face when the finally grasp an idea or figure out the answer to a difficult problem or tell you about the exciting book they just read.

The reason I decided to become a teacher now is not a new interest but timing. I am finally at a point in my life that I can pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. My current philosophy of teaching is simply to support and encourage my students desire to learn. To give them the tools they need to explore the world around them. I want to learn techniques and systems to help each child reach thier fullest potential whatever that might be.

I recently asked my children and the teacher that I work with what they thought made a good teacher, my 13 year old son gave the typical answer of "one who is patient leaves you alone and doesn't give you homework". My daughter on the other hand said, "a good teacher is one that is patient and kind and makes learning fun." The teacher I work with at the special needs preschool said that the most important qualities in a teacher are persistence and a good dose of stubbornness. In a school where progress is measured in microscopic increments and over a long period of time, persistence and stubborness are necessary to help a child succeed. I am sure some of my philosophies of education will change over time but my desire to support and encourage children on thier educational journey never will.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

week 2.5

I just finished my web page and am glad it is done. I think I will probably be tweeking it along the way though. This assignment was very difficult for me in that I had no idea what to include in the text since I do not have my own classroom. I can see how it will be very useful in the future but I have a hard time creating info out of thin air. Creative writing was always hard for me. The pages of my classmates that I have seen so far were amazing and full of great ideas, that is another reason I wish this class met. As a student I get so much more out of sharing ideas and learning through others mistakes and questions. It is hard when you don't know what you don't know and feedback comes much later.

My web page address is

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

College Week 2

I am so glad to be done with my other class. I have to confess that I find myself procrastinating in this online class. With out an actual class to go to and a teacher to be accountable to face to face I let myself get distracted by my children and their needs. I also get frustrated and confused by all of the new terms and technical activities we have to do and then give up. It is giving me perspective though for students that find new material confusing.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Week One Reaction

I think this class will be very interesting as well as a lot of work. Already I have discovered that we need to incorporate technology into our classrooms to remain relevant to these Digital Natives. Technology also brings the lessons to the students and you can differentiate and incorporate all learning styles. I wish we met as a class instead of online though. I really appreciate and get a lot out of the intereaction with my classmates which reinforces the need for cooporative learning in the classroom. If there was a way that we could all post our questions to you and read the resposnses I think that would be helpful. Sometimes I feel as though I am missing something.

Having two classes at once while trying to work full time and raise two children is very hard. I am definately not able to put as much into everything as I wish. There is no way I would have been able to do the full time program. I will be glad when our Theory and Practice Class is done and I can focus on just this tech class. I am really excited because it is hands on and practicle.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Using blogs in the classroom.

I found Mr. Harbecks Math Blog very interesting. It was amazing how he incorporated many of the things we have read about and studied in our last two classes, contextualization, relevancy, cross curricular activities, cooperative learning, and civil discourse. I wonder how his students feel about the work and activities that he assigns. I also wonder what his actual class time is like and how much time the students spend outside of class working on his assignments.

I couldn't agree more with the Don't feed the Trolls article. We can take advantage of technology in the classroom as a way to teach civil discourse. There are so many ways to use blogs in the classroom and reinforcing appropriate ways to have discussions is one. It seems as though some people use blogs and on-line chatrooms to say things they wouldn't face to face. We need to make sure that our students realize the ramifications of anonymous blogging, that they need to have integrity and take responsibility for how they use these forums. By incorporating them into our curriculum we allow them to practice appropriate means of discussion in a "safe" environment.

I checked out the "coolcatteacher" blog and was overwhelmed by all of the information there. After reading several of the posts I had to follow some of the links to figure out what was being discussed. As a "Digital Immigrant" I felt a little lost. There were many icons and features that were totaly ailien to me. Some I could figure out and some I couldn't.

Through the few assignments that we have had I realize that blogs can be used is an almost infinite number of ways to enhance curriculum. I started out thinking that it was just another means of trying to communicate with parents but now realize it can be so much more. As teachers we can use it as a means to engage our students through discussion, and incoroporate intereactive lessons and assignments. We can also use it as a means for peer to peer interaction and collaboration. I am enjoying finding out about new ways in which it can be used in the classroom.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

College - Week One

My name is Janice Parker and this blog is a requirement for my graduate program. I am hoping to teach special education preschool or developmental kindergarten. I have always wanted to be a teacher but was sidetracked when my children were born. As the kids got older my interest in teaching grew. I decided to become a staff assistant so I could make sure I still wanted to become a teacher, before investing so much time and money in the program. After working in several schools with several different age groups I found the most joy and satisfaction in working with younger children with special needs.

My favorite animal is my dog. Dogs are my favorite because they have so much personality, are fun and loyal. It is interesting how much you can learn about a person by the kind of dog they have and how it behaves.