Saturday, November 1, 2008

Week One Reaction

I think this class will be very interesting as well as a lot of work. Already I have discovered that we need to incorporate technology into our classrooms to remain relevant to these Digital Natives. Technology also brings the lessons to the students and you can differentiate and incorporate all learning styles. I wish we met as a class instead of online though. I really appreciate and get a lot out of the intereaction with my classmates which reinforces the need for cooporative learning in the classroom. If there was a way that we could all post our questions to you and read the resposnses I think that would be helpful. Sometimes I feel as though I am missing something.

Having two classes at once while trying to work full time and raise two children is very hard. I am definately not able to put as much into everything as I wish. There is no way I would have been able to do the full time program. I will be glad when our Theory and Practice Class is done and I can focus on just this tech class. I am really excited because it is hands on and practicle.

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